Lince BI
A preconfigured service that provides remote access to the leading tool Open Source Business Intelligence absolutely FREE.

Cloud computing
The Open Business Intelligence tools are useful to transform raw data into information and knowledge with the goal of creating new bussines strategies to provide an added value to organizations and being more competitive in their sector.
Cloud computing computing is the new concept of tools hosted on remote servers which provide to corporations and users a great amount of capabilities without the need of installing or configuring them on local systems.
Joining these two concepts is born, LinceBI, a preconfigured service that provides remote access to the leading tool Open Source Business Intelligence absolutely FREE through a conventional web browser or a mobile device. It is based on a cloud computing platform previoulsy mentioned and as a consequence it reduces the requirement of investing on infrastructure and software. Can be carried out on a few steps and in an easy way.

What can you do in LinceBI?
With LinceBI , business user will be provided with a fully equipped solution with the best Pentaho components such as STPivot ( creating pivot tables) or STDashboard (to easily create dashboards). In addition, the cloud solution includes all possibilities of traditional Business Intelligence systems:
- Centralized data repository. An administrator user may upload data and create their own metadata structures to be explored by OLAP views or dashboards. Connect your database to LinceBI or upload your data in CSV format using a wizard.
- Security. All visual elements can be protected, an could be shared or established permissions into them.
- Export resources to other output formats (XLS, PDF, CSV, ...)
- Creat OLAP views with STPivot.
- Creat Dashboards with STDashboard.
- Creat reports using Drag&Drop in an easy way.
- Compatibility with any browser and mobile device.
- And more things... Try it here!!!