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- STReportSTReport allows end users to easily build their own reports without any technical knowledgeWHAT IS STREPORT?
- Custom
...TO CREATE AD HOC REPORTS IN MINUTESSTReport allows the end user to create custom reports from the same web interface provided by Pentaho.WHAT DOES STREPORT OFFER? - What does STReport
Offer?MAIN FEATURESData model understandable business users
Intuitive and dynamic interface
No code or technical assistance required
Calculated fields on the fly editor
Multiple output formats: csv, xls, pdf, html
Customized colors, typography and company logos templates
Total customization style: color, font, aligned ...
Advanced filters for all types of data: numeric, text, date ...
List the contents of a field to select which members to filter on
I WOULD LIKE TO TRY IT - User friendly and improved
for the end userIn Stratebi we have paid special attention
to the user interface and interactionStarting with our Pack, you can take your Open Source Business Intelligence solution to another level, in just one month and with all modules and functionality available in a professional BI solution. Drop us a line for more info at info@stratebi.com