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Contacto Latino América
Contacto Latinoamérica Estamos en operaciones en Perú y Brasil, y junto con otros partners locales operamos en otros países de América Latina. Email: ...
Nosotros - Partners
Our Partners We bet on the best technologies. In Stratebi, we are continually looking for the best partners , in both technological and...
News New Big Data Open Source trainings New T-shirts for Analytics fans Access to our Solutions and Vertical Demos Social Intelligence :...
Tecnologías Open Source de éxito
Open Source Successful Technologies First Pentaho Official Partners in Spain since 6 years ago. We arrange the Open Analytics meeting. The Data...
Instituto Cervantes
Instituto Cervantes
Salud Madrid
Salud Madrid
Alfresco is the Document Management solution necessary for every company, both for its Open Source nature and its ease of use for users and power development and integration for the technical area.
It is an open source content management system, developed in Java.It is based on open standards and enterprise scale for Windows operating systems, Unix Solaris and some Linux versions.
It is designed for users who require a high degree of modularity and scalable performance.
Alfresco includes a content repository, a framework web portal to manage and use standard content portals, a CIFS interface that provides support for file systems on Windows and Unix, a system of web content management, ability to virtualize web applications and static sites via Apache Tomcat, Lucene search engine via workflow in jBPM.
> Portfolio Technical Features

Alfresco is developed in Java. Some of its features are:
- Document management
- Web content management (including web applications and session virtualization)
- Level versioning repository (similar to Subversion)
- Transparent overlay (similar to UnionFS)
- Records Management
- Image Management
- self-generated XForms with AJAX support
- Integrated Publishing
- Access to the repository via CIFS / SMB, FTP and WebDAV
- Workflow based on jBPM
- Searches implemented with the Lucene engine
- Decentralized Servers
- Support for multiple languages
- Bundling portable application
- Cross-platform support (officially Windows, GNU / Linux and Solaris)
- Graphical interface based on Internet browsers (Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox)
- Integration with Microsoft Office desktop and OpenOffice.Org
- Support clustering (deployment on multiple servers)
Scheme Alfresco