

Información del proyecto

Decision making Pentaho BI in the regional government

Nowadyas, the control and analysis of absenteeism is key to maintaining the balance of costs and benefits. However companies lack it. Stratebi has been responsible for the launch of the analysis service Ibermutuamur absenteeism, which provides information related to the incapacity of the company.

The service offered to Ibermutuamur's customers allows to analyze absenteeism from several points of view, either from a global position or by type of contingency being common, Professional or REL (Risk of Pregnancy and Lactation).

It also offers the ability to view trends and a rich analysis through the wide range of concepts like Stretches of Duration, severity levels, Pathologies, Injury, Age, Sex, Place of Accident, etc.

The diversity of indicators is also the dominant feature of the system, thus setting about 25 indicators are provided.
One of the requirements was to have a solution that would allow access to several hundred users with a view to future growth.

It was shown that the analytical system facilitated and expedites access to information by companies associated with Ibermutuamur, always respecting the privacy of the data.

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